Mantra Sign Examples
To create an exciting new retail environment for Henry’s, I selected all of the images for new stores’ “Mantra signs” as well as created some of the inspiring quotes written on them. All of the images are by Canadian photographers and printed on a large scale to inspire customers to create their own great content.

Click with People
This is an example of a mantra sign in Henry’s Kitchener store. It is very important to me that all of Henry’s creative content practice diversity and inclusiveness. We’re all born creators.

Henry's Kitchener
This is an example of the exterior signage design that is included with all new store builds. This particular one is from Kitchener, Ontario.

Make time stand still
This particular mantra belongs in the Printing Centre section of the new store design. The imagery for this panel is meant to evoke moments in time that you wish you could save forever. Printing a memory helps to preserve it a little longer.